California Hazardous Waste Management

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If your facility generates hazardous waste, you must comply not only with the California hazardous waste regulations, but also with certain federal regulations that have not yet been incorporated into the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Title 22 or Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.5 laws.
In this online course, you will learn how to comply with the latest requirements for the management of hazardous waste, including how to:
- Determine which wastes are classified as EPA and California non-RCRA hazardous waste
- Properly manage hazardous wastes at central and satellite accumulation areas
- Comply with emission control requirements for hazardous wastes containing VOCs
- Complete hazardous waste manifests and avoid common errors
- Complete land disposal notices and certifications
- Determine when you must apply for a tiered permit
- Manage universal waste, used oil, and spent lead-acid batteries being recycled
- Comply with DTSC requirements for Business Plans, CERS reports, and source reduction
- Comply with recent changes in the hazardous waste regulations that can affect your facility
- Prepare for and respond to hazardous waste emergencies, including release reporting.
You can complete the training anytime it's convenient for you. Interactive exercises and quizzes help you learn and retain the information that you need to know. And, Environmental Resource Center’s Answerline™ is available at no charge for any questions you have during or after the training – for up to one year.
All of our online training modules require a web browser that supports the use of audio and video playback. When taking the training, web browser settings such as ad-blockers and pop-up blockers should be disabled.
This course meets both the California and federal initial and annual training requirements for generators of hazardous waste.