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RCRA and DOT Annual Update and Refresher

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Get a refresher on how to properly manage hazardous waste and ship hazardous materials in this annual update live webcastLet our experienced staff walk you through the steps of classifying, managing, marking and labeling, preparing shipping papers/manifests, and preparing for emergencies for hazardous materials and hazardous wasteThis class is the perfect way to meet both your RCRA annual update and DOT hazardous materials recurrent training requirement.  

Available in:

1 day / course duration
$549.00 / course price

You will get all the same great information that you would in a face-to-face meeting.

This course is the perfect way to meet both your RCRA 40 CFR 265.16, 262.16(b)(9)(iii), 262.17(a)(7), 273.16, and 273.36 annual update and DOT 49 CFR 172.702 and 49 CFR 172.704 hazardous material recurrent training requirements and learn effective procedures for compliance with the latest hazardous waste and hazardous material transport regulations.

You will learn how to:

  • Determine what’s regulated as hazardous waste by EPA and hazardous materials by DOT
  • Comply with EPA’s Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule
  • Ensure that your hazardous materials shipments conform to recent changes to the DOT’s hazardous materials regulations
  • Operate hazardous waste accumulation points and satellite accumulation points
  • Properly manage universal waste, used oil, precious metals, and lead-acid batteries
  • Prepare hazardous waste manifests and DOT bills of lading
  • Select, fill, and close packages of hazardous waste and hazardous materials
  • Mark and label hazardous material packages and hazardous waste containers
  • Load, unload, and placard vehicles
  • Comply with EPA and DOT safety, emergency response, contingency planning, and security procedures


You'll also learn how to avoid the most common violations cited by EPA and DOT, as well as how to comply with new requirements that have been enacted over the past year.

Your course materials include the course handbooks, Hazardous Materials Management: How to Comply with DOT RequirementsHandbook for the Management of Hazardous Waste and the Emergency Response Guidebook.

Continuing Education Credit - Pre Approval List: