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Hazardous Waste Manifest Training - Webcast

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Come learn when a hazardous waste manifest must be used, how to properly complete one, which types of waste must be on a manifest, how to determine the DOT basic description, how to identify waste codes, and much more. This live online training is designed to satisfy the training requirements for anyone who completes or signs hazardous waste manifests. 

Available in:

4 Hour Webcast / course duration
$399.00 / course price

When hazardous waste is shipped from your site, it must be accompanied by a hazardous waste manifest. Even if your waste transporter fills out the manifest, you are responsible for the portions of the manifest that they complete on your behalf. There are over 35 sections on the manifest and its continuation sheet—are you sure that all of them are completed properly in accordance with EPA’s requirements?


Because the manifest is a Department of Transportation (DOT) hazardous material shipping paper, anyone who fills out or signs the manifest must be trained and tested in the DOT’s required topics: general awareness, function-specific, safety, and security.


This live online training is designed to satisfy the training requirements for anyone who completes or signs hazardous waste manifests.


You will learn:

  • When the hazardous waste manifest must be used
  • What types of waste and which waste generators are not required to use a hazardous waste manifest
  • What must be entered in each section of the manifest, and where to find the information
  • How to determine the DOT basic description, which is critical to ensuring that the waste is handled properly
  • How to identify the applicable hazardous waste codes
  • How to handle exceptions, discrepancies, rejected shipments, and exports
  • How to certify that the waste is properly classified, packaged, marked, labeled, and placarded for shipment
  • What emergency response information must be included on or attached to the manifest
  • How to meet the safety and security requirements for hazardous waste


To participate in this live training you will need an active internet connection. You may test your connection here


*Electronic copies of add-ons are provided. Feel free to purchase physical copies of the add-ons here.
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Topics were interesting and pace of material was great. Andy is very knowledgeable and gives great examples

Diego Mestanza, Praxair

Environmental Resource Center is the best!

Dave Demarest, Eaton Corp