Environmental Consulting
We’ll give you all the answers you need.

Environmental Resource Center offers a full range of expert services to help you comply with federal and state environmental, safety, and transportation regulations. With civil fines exceeding $100,000 per day and criminal fines in the millions, you can’t afford to ignore the EPA, DOT, and OSHA regulations that apply to your facilities.
Consulting Areas
Environmental Resource Center offers a full range of expert services to help you comply with federal and state environmental, safety, and transportation regulations. With civil fines exceeding $100,000 per day and criminal fines in the millions, you can’t afford to ignore the EPA, DOT, and OSHA regulations that apply to your facilities.
Contact us today to learn how our safety and environmental consultants can help you address your compliance challenges in any of these areas:
Spot potential compliance issues before a regulatory inspection. Environmental Resource Center will conduct a thorough assessment of your facility to make sure you are in compliance with the latest EPA, DOT and OSHA regulations.
An Environmental Resource Center audit can help you reduce costs by identifying pollution prevention and safe work practices.
Our audits consist of three components:
Records Review
Environmental Resource Center's auditors will review your permits, written procedures, and compliance agreements to determine site-specific requirements applicable to your facility. We'll also review state and local regulations to ensure that nothing is missed.
Facility Assessment
Your facility will be thoroughly inspected to determine compliance with applicable federal, state, and local regulations. Our auditors will determine whether any procedures, equipment, or additional permits are needed to meet the latest legal requirements.
Audit Report
Environmental Resource Center will provide a written audit report identifying areas of potential non-compliance. Each finding will be associated with its applicable regulatory citation, and will be prioritized so you can determine which findings need urgent attention.
Save time and Money. The EPA and many state environmental agencies can reduce or even waive penalties for violations that are voluntarily found, reported, and corrected based on an environmental audit.
Contact us today to discuss how an Environmental Resource Center audit will benefit your facility.
Environmental Resource Center can assist you in applying for new or modified permits to reflect your current and anticipated operations.
We can help you prepare air, water, and hazardous waste permits. We have over 30 years of environmental compliance experience that we can apply to your permitting needs. Our staff has the knowledge and expertise to help you apply for new permits, amend existing permits, and ensure that you are in compliance with federal, state, and local permit conditions.
Types of permits Environmental Resource Center can help you obtain:
Air Permits | Water Permits | RCRA Permits |
Construction | NPDES, SPDES | Part A |
Permit to Install | Categorical Discharge | Part B |
State Operating | Indirect Discharge | Closure |
FESOP | Stormwater | CERS |
Title V |
Plans Required in Permits:
- Solid Waste Disposal Waste
- Minimization/P2Laboratory
- Safety/Risk Management
- Closure Waste
- Analysis Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures
- Hazardous Materials Security
- Best Management Practices
Contact us today to discuss how Environmental Resource Center can assist you with your permitting needs.
- Hazardous materials consulting
- Transportation Answerline™
- Transportation program audits
- Hazmat database development
- On-site hazardous materials transportation training
- Packaging, marking, and labeling
- Hazardous materials security plan development and implementation
- Find the proper shipping name
- Choose an approved package
- See which marks and labels are required
- Print shipping papers for any hazardous material shipped by any mode of transportation
If you use OSHA hazardous chemicals, extremely hazardous substances, or Section 313 toxic chemicals, you are required to comply with SARA Title lll, the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA). Let Environmental Resource Center help you determine your reporting requirements and assist you in the reporting. Over 25 years of environmental compliance experience makes us highly qualified to assist you in completing all of your Tier II, Form A and Form R reports.
Background and Records Review - Environmental Resource Center will determine which reports you are required to submit annually based on your uses and releases of hazardous, extremely hazardous and toxic chemicals.
Emergency Planning Requirements - If you are a new facility or if you have just begun to use hazardous or toxic chemicals, we can assist in the written notification to the state emergency response commission, the designation and submission of a facility emergency coordinator to the emergency planning committee and outline the benefits of acting as a member of your local emergency planning committee.
Community Right-to-Know Reporting - We will determine whether you must submit safety data sheets to state and local authorities, if Tier II inventory reports apply to your facility and which reports you must complete to comply with local requirements. Based on your site's needs, we can develop and submit these reports for you for both current and prior reporting years.
Emergency Notification Requirements - We will determine when releases at your facility must be reported, your requirements for continuous release reporting, who to contact to report a release and which reports you need to file in the event of a spill. We can also help you determine if any prior releases should have been reported.
Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (Form R) Report Requirements - We will determine if your facility must comply with the annual Toxic Chemical Release Inventory reporting requirements and complete your Form R or Form A reports. We can submit them directly into EPA's TRI-ME database or develop the data necessary for submission by your personnel. We'll also let you know what records need to be kept and for how long.
Automated Reporting - Environmental Resource Center can automate your chemical inventory reports or import your current records into our software to facilitate rapid completion of your SARA reports year after year.
Contact us to find out how Environmental Resource Center can help you confidently navigate compliance and reporting for SARA Title III.
EPA, DOT and OSHA require a vast number of written plans and procedures. Environmental Resource Center can determine which are applicable to your operations and then develop the required plans and procedures for you.
From hazardous materials and hazardous waste management to notification procedures, security plans, and emergency procedures, Environmental Resource Center can determine which plans are applicable to your operations, develop the required plans and procedures, and assist you with their implementation. An environmental audit is one of the many tools available from Environmental Resource Center to aid your facility in identifying and complying with relevant federal, state and local regulations.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) - Environmental Resource Center will create a site-specific SWPPP by identifying sources of stormwater pollutants and best management practices applicable to your facility. We can also help you determine if you qualify for a certification of no exposure. Each industrial or manufacturing facility must either obtain a Stormwater Permit or submit a "No Exposure Certification."
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan (SPCC) - Most facilities that store 1,320 gallons or more of petroleum or non-petroleum oils are required to have written SPCC plans. Environmental Resource Center can prepare your SPCC plan or update an existing plan to keep you in compliance with the federal, state and local regulations.
Contingency Plans - Under the hazardous waste regulations, if you are a large quantity generator of hazardous waste or if you have a permit for the treatment, storage, or disposal of hazardous waste, you must have a contingency plan. Environmental Resource Center will prepare your plan in compliance with the latest regulations, including a Quick Reference Guide that conforms to the new Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements rule.
Risk Management Plans (RMP) - If you have any of 139 regulated substances on-site that are above their threshold quantities, you must have a risk management plan that includes a hazard assessment, prevention program, and emergency response program. Environmental Resource Center can help you develop and implement a comprehensive and effective RMP. We will evaluate your facility operations, complete a hazard assessment, and assist you with your prevention and emergency response programs. We can also establish whether you have any non-RMP listed extremely hazardous substances that are subject to RMP requirements.
Hazard Communication Written Program - Lack of a written hazard communication program is one of the most frequently cited OSHA violations. If your employees work with or are exposed to OSHA hazardous chemicals, a hazard communication plan is mandatory. Environmental Resource Center can develop a new plan or update your existing plan to meet the latest requirements.
Site Safety & Health Plans - Safety and health plans that may be required for your facility include OSHA lockout / tagout procedures, bloodborne pathogen protection, respiratory protection, hearing conservation, personal protective equipment, confined space entry, emergency and fire prevention, and many others. These plans are required to protect the health and safety of personnel who may come into contact with hazardous waste or other hazardous substances. We will assist you in collecting background information about your site and the chemicals potentially involved to develop plans that meet applicable regulatory requirements.
Employee Emergency and Fire Prevention Plans - We will examine your facility, assess potential emergency situations, and prepare plans that will ensure employee safety in an emergency or fire in accordance with applicable regulations [29 CFR 1910.38].
Process Safety Management - We will implement our 15-step approach to help you and your employees in their efforts to prevent or mitigate any hazardous chemical releases that could lead to a catastrophe in the workplace or the surrounding community.
Integrated Contingency Plans - We can combine the numerous hazardous materials, emergency response, and safety plans required for your facility into one functional plan while eliminating the confusion and minimizing duplication and expense of preparing multiple plans.
Contact us today to find out how Environmental Resource Center can help you improve the environmental and safety plans and procedures for your facility.
Outsourcing some or all of your environmental, health and safety responsibilities allows you to focus on your core business while reducing operating costs and increasing compliance. We provide you with continuous or on-demand on-site support. Team members at your site will be backed by the full support and training expertise of the entire Environmental Resource Center staff.
We offer a wide variety of environmental, health, and safety (EHS) program management services. Due to the number of regulatory issues that you are faced with each day, you may need help with all or part of your regulatory compliance programs. Our services reduce operating costs, increase compliance, and allow for greater staffing flexibility.
Environmental Resource Center can provide experienced EHS specialists on-site 40 hours a week or part-time to handle many or all of your compliance and training obligations.
Contact us to learn more about any of the following EHS services:
- Hazardous and Solid Waste Management
- EH&S Plan Development and Implementation
- EH&S Reporting Requirements
- EPCRA Reporting
- Wastewater Sampling and Reporting
- Stormwater Sampling and Reporting
- Permitting
- Audit and Compliance Inspections
- SDS Management and Development
- Answerline™ Service
- Training
- Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) development and implementation
- Phase I and Phase II environmental assessments for property transfers
Do you need help complying with the recently promulgated Department of Homeland Security's Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standard (6 CFR 27)?
Environmental Resource Center can help you:
- Determine if your facility fits the profile and are subject to regulation under the standard
- Complete the consequence screening questionnaire (Top-Screen)
- Perform a Security Vulnerability Assessment
- Write and implement a Site Security Plan
- Handle Chemical Terrorism Vulnerability Information (CVI)
Facilities that fail to meet the minimum risk-based performance standards face penalties and could ultimately be shut down if they do not comply.
Let Environmental Resource Center's experts help you comply with these new standards. Contact aknight@ercweb.com for a quote.
Environmental Resource Center's staff develops safety data sheets (SDSs) designed to meet OSHA and GHS requirements while effectively protecting the health and safety of workers who use hazardous chemicals.
We'll ensure that your SDSs are correctly prepared in the GHS 16-section format and using language that the target audience can understand. We can generate new SDSs for your products or convert existing MSDSs into fully compliant SDSs. Our services include:
- Authoring SDSs for new products
- Updating SDSs for existing products
- Generating SDSs to meet localized requirements for Canada, Mexico and the European Union
- Ongoing monitoring of regulatory reqirements and new health hazard data to ensure your SDSs are updated as new rules or data are available.
- Generating information needed for hazardous chemical product labels, such as pictograms, hazard statements and precautionary statements
Contact us today to find out how Environmental Resource Center can help you organize, improve and maintain the SDSs for your workplace.
Environmental Resource Center will create a tailored program to ensure your company's Hazardous Materials and Dangerous Goods are properly classified, marked, labeled and documented.
We will create a customized, database and web interface for your company that will allow you to:
- Find the proper shipping name
- Choose an approved package
- See which marks and labels are required
- Print shipping papers for any hazardous material shipped by any mode of transportation
We can build the database using your existing information or assess your classifications and start from scratch. We can even create and maintain a training database that will automatically send an e-mail to you when re-training is required. We can also post all applicable regulatory changes and automatically update the affected products in your database.
Contact us today to discuss how Environmental Resource Center can help you correctly document your Hazardous Materials.
Outsourcing some or all of your environmental, health and safety responsibilities allows you to focus on your core business while reducing operating costs and increasing compliance.
We provide you with continuous or on-demand on-site support. Team members at your site will be backed by the full support and training expertise of the entire Environmental Resource Center staff.
Contact us to learn more about how Environmental Resource Center can fulfill your Environmental, Health and Safety needs.