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Hazardous Materials/Dangerous Goods Classification

Correct packaging of Hazardous Materials and Dangerous Goods is vital to your business. Environmental Resource Center will create a tailored program to ensure your company's Hazardous Materials and Dangerous Goods are properly classified, marked, labeled and documented.
Environmental Resource Center's staff of hazardous materials experts has been helping customers to comply with DOT, IATA, and IMO regulations for more than 25 years. You can rely on us to provide this service for your facility on a continuing or as-needed basis.
Our transportation services include:
  • Hazardous materials consulting
  • Transportation Answerline™
  • Transportation program audits
  • Hazmat database development
  • On-site hazardous materials transportation training
  • Packaging, marking, and labeling
  • Hazardous materials security plan development and implementation
We will create a customized, database and web interface for your company that will allow you to:
  • Find the proper shipping name
  • Choose an approved package
  • See which marks and labels are required
  • Print shipping papers for any hazardous material shipped by any mode of transportation
We can build the database using your existing information or assess your classifications and start from scratch. We can even create and maintain a training database that will automatically send an e-mail to you when re-training is required. We can also post all applicable regulatory changes and automatically update the affected products in your database.
Contact us today to discuss how Environmental Resource Center can assist with your packaging protocol to ensure the safe and timely arrival of your shipments.