
Environmental Resource Center can assist you in applying for new or modified permits to reflect your current and anticipated operations.

We can help you prepare air, water, and hazardous waste permits. We have over 30 years of environmental compliance experience that we can apply to your permitting needs. Our staff has the knowledge and expertise to help you apply for new permits, amend existing permits, and ensure that you are in compliance with federal, state, and local permit conditions.

Types of permits Environmental Resource Center can help you obtain:

Air Permits Water Permits RCRA Permits
Construction NPDES, SPDES Part A
Permit to Install Categorical Discharge Part B
State Operating Indirect Discharge Closure
FESOP Stormwater CERS
Title V    


Plans Required in Permits:

  • Solid Waste Disposal Waste
  • Minimization/P2Laboratory
  • Safety/Risk Management
  • Closure Waste
  • Analysis Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures 
  • Hazardous Materials Security
  • Best Management Practices

Contact us
today to discuss how Environmental Resource Center can assist you with your permitting needs.