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Hazardous Waste Land Disposal Restrictions Webcast

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In this class you will learn how to make the proper land disposal notices or certification for your hazardous waste. This training will prepare you to determine the treatment standards that apply, complete notification and certification, keep accurate records, and more. 

Available in:

2 Hour Webcast / course duration
$129.00 / course price

Unless you've studied the complex land disposal restrictions (LDR) regulations in depth, there is a high probability that you might not be making the proper land disposal notice or certification for your hazardous waste shipments. Even if you rely on your hazardous waste transporter to complete your notifications or certifications, you remain responsible for the accuracy of these notifications.


In this session, you will learn the latest LDR regulations in an easy-to-understand format. Environmental Resource Center's step-by-step procedures help you understand:

  • Which restrictions and prohibitions apply to your waste
  • How to determine the treatment standards that apply to your waste
  • If you qualify for alternative treatment standards for lab packs, soil, and debris
  • Your notification, certification, recordkeeping, and documentation requirements


The course handbook, Land Disposal Restrictions, is included as a downloadable document.


To participate in this live training, you will need an active internet connection. You may test your connection here


Regan was informative, knew the material and answered all the questions she was asked. She is great - interactive, great resources.

Michelle Ford, Exelon

Barry is a great presenter/teacher. I liked doing the exercises - it helped to soak in the information and practice what we were learning.

Katie Dunn, Powdersize

Andy is a great facilitator! Very knowledgeable with all RCRA topics.

Jamie Helmly, Shell Oil