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IATA: How to Ship Dangerous Goods by Air

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Learn the latest requirements for shipments of dangerous goods by air under the IATA (International Air Transport Association) regulations, as well as the differences between domestic and international regulations in this comprehensive seminar. Let our experienced staff walk you through the steps of preparing and offering dangerous goods for shipment, from classification through packaging and dangerous goods declarationsThis course fulfills your IATA initial and recurrent training requirements. 

Available in:

1 Day; Lunch is provided / course duration
$449.00 / course price

Gain an in-depth understanding of the latest requirements for shipments of dangerous goods by air under the IATA (International Air Transport Association) regulations. Learn the differences between domestic and international regulations as well as the latest changes in the regulations.


Participate in hands-on exercises that will prepare you to ship dangerous goods in accordance with the latest requirements of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR).


You will learn how to:

  • Use the IATA DGR
  • Determine which materials are classified as dangerous goods
  • Package dangerous goods for air transportation
  • Mark and label packages
  • Prepare the IATA Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods and air waybills
  • Comply with the special requirements for excepted quantities, limited quantities, and consumer commodities
  • Comply with recent changes in the DGR that will affect your shipments


IATA requires initial training and recurrent training every two years for all personnel involved in the shipment of dangerous goods by air.


This course fulfills your IATA initial and recurrent training requirements and gives you the tools you need to comply with the regulations and avoid rejected shipments.


The course handbook, Transportation of Dangerous Goods: How to Comply with the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, provides step-by-step instructions for shipping dangerous goods by air. The latest version of the DOT Emergency Response Guidebook is also included.


The Instructor was very knowledgeable; she listened and made examples of shipments as practice.

Glynise Cox, Bayer Healthcare

The training was specialized to meet our company's products.

Todd Brown, Dexsil Corporation

The instructor was very informative on the subject matter, very knowledgeable, very precise.

Scott Solis, Cobham Mission Systems

Training was very informative. Trainer was upbeat, knowledgeable and funny.

Josie Santiago, Kinder Morgan Argo Terminal