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OSHA GHS Hazard Communication Standard

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Receive in depth training on OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) and the United Nation’s Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for the classification and labeling of hazardous chemicals in this self-paced online training. Complete the training at your own convenience to learn the latest requirements for hazardous chemical labels, Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), and hazard communication plans, as well as how to classify hazardous chemicals. 

Available in:

Self-paced / course duration
$99.00 / course price

Virtually every worker is exposed to hazardous chemicals at some point in their career. Some workers are exposed daily, while others have only occasional exposure. Regardless of the frequency of the exposure, OSHA requires that all employees must receive hazard communication training so that they can recognize the hazards of the materials they work with, and protect themselves from those hazards.


When OSHA adopted the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for hazard communication, virtually every chemical label, safety data sheet (SDS) and written hazard communication plan had to be revised to meet the new standard. Worker training must also be updated so that workers can recognize and understand the symbols and pictograms on the new labels, as well as the new hazard statements and precautions on SDSs.


In this course, you will learn the latest OSHA GHS Hazard Communication Standard and how to implement it at your facility. You'll learn:

  • What chemicals are covered by the Hazard Communication Standard and which are exempt

  • How to label containers and other devices that contain hazardous chemicals
  • The meaning of pictograms, signal words and precautionary statements
  • How to understand and use the information on Safety Data Sheets, and where to get additional information if you need it
  • What must be in your written standard communication program, and when it must be updated
  • Ways to protect yourself and your co-workers from hazardous chemicals


You can complete the training anytime it's convenient for you. Interactive exercises and quizzes help you learn and retain the information that you need to know. Environmental Resource Center's AnswerlineTM is available at no charge for any questions you have during or after the training for up to one year.


All of our online training modules require a web browser that supports the use of audio and video playback.  When taking the training, web browser settings such as ad-blockers and pop-up blockers should be disabled.