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TSCA Chemical Import Requirements

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Learn how EPA regulates imported chemicals, mixtures, or articles into the U.S., under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Let our experienced staff walk you through compliance with TSCA for imports, making positive or negative certifications, complying with TSCA reporting requirements, and determining when no certification is required. 

Available in:

2 Hours / course duration
$129.00 / course price

If you import chemicals, mixtures, or articles into the U.S., the EPA requires you to certify that they are in compliance with the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Attend this live, interactive training and learn how to:

  • Determine if your imports are subject to TSCA
  • Make positive and negative certifications
  • Comply with TSCA reporting requirements
  • Determine when no certifications are required


The course handbook, TSCA Import Requirements, is included as a downloadable document.


To participate in this live training, you will need an active internet connection. You may test your connection here

*Electronic copies of add-ons are provided. Feel free to purchase physical copies of the add-ons here.

Wide range of information, described in-depth,Very humorously—very understandable.

Randy Lazarus, Republic Services Inc.

The best!–Joyce Gladson, Proctor and Gamble Co. I am sold onEnvironmental Resource Center.Brent Carroll, FBI (The Instructor) is a great presenter. I enjoyed the webinar!

–Kristin Hahner, CNH