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California Hazardous Waste Management: The Complete Course

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Learn how to properly manage hazardous waste under RCRA and the California hazardous waste regulations at this comprehensive seminarLet our experienced staff walk you through the steps of classifying, managing, marking and labeling containers, manifesting, and preparing for emergenciesThis course meets both the California and federal initial and annual training requirements for generators of hazardous waste.

2 Days; Lunch is provided both days / course duration
$795.00 / course price

If your facility generates hazardous waste, you must comply not only with the California hazardous waste regulations, but also with federal regulations that have not yet been incorporated into the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Title 22 or Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.5 rules.


Attend this interactive course to learn how to comply with the latest requirements for the management of hazardous waste, including how to:

  • Determine which wastes are classified as EPA and California DTSC hazardous waste
  • Properly manage hazardous wastes at accumulation points and satellite accumulation points
  • Comply with emission control requirements for hazardous wastes containing VOCs
  • Complete hazardous waste manifests and avoid common errors
  • Complete land disposal notices and certifications
  • Determine when you must apply for a tiered permit
  • Manage universal waste, used oil, pharmaceuticals, and other special wastes
  • Properly manage contaminated textiles, such as shop towels and linens
  • Comply with DTSC requirements for Business Plans, CERS reports, and source reduction
  • Comply with recent changes in the hazardous waste regulations that can affect your facility


You’ll also learn about EPA’s new rules for remanufactured solvents, hazardous secondary materials, and the new Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule.


This course meets both the California and federal initial and annual training requirements for generators of hazardous waste.


The course manual, Handbook for the Management of Hazardous Waste in California, provides step-by-step instructions for hazardous waste management. It also includes a section specifically dedicated to identifying and discussing federal regulations that generators in California must comply with, even though they are not yet incorporated into the California rules.


Andy was engaging and kept the material interesting. Small group size allowed for more engaging discussions.

Alyson Omori, Intel Corp.

Presenter was fun and interactive.

Chris Burt, Nordson