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Alternative Standards for Episodic Hazardous Waste

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In this self-paced online training, you will learn how the RCRA episodic generation rules grant increased flexibility, allowing generators to have up to two episodic events during a calendar year without changing their status, saving time and money. This course is perfect for those who want to take advantage of this provision during a site clean-out, spill, or other process upset. 

Available in:

Self-paced / course duration
$99.00 / course price
Episodic events are those activities that do not routinely occur during normal operations, such as outdated chemical clean outs, spills or process upsets. Historically, if a generator exceeded their monthly generation limit, they had to change their status and immediately begin managing their hazardous waste under the more stringent generator category. The episodic generation rules grant increased flexibility, allowing generators to have up to two episodic events during a calendar year without changing their status, saving time and money.
In this CBT you will learn:
  • The different types of episodic events: planned and unplanned
  • Who the rule applies to
  • How to retain your generator status
  • How to manage your episodic hazardous waste under the alternative (and less stringent) management standards
  • Container and tank management
  • What notifications are required
  • Time requirements