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How to Manage Used Oil

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Come learn about the relaxed RCRA requirements for used oil in this self-paced online training. This training will prepare you to manage used oil properly and understand how it can become a fully regulated hazardous wastes if mishandled.

Available in:

Self -paced / course duration
$79.00 / course price

Although subject to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, used oil has somewhat relaxed requirements. In this convenient online course, you will learn how to manage used oil properly and learn how it can become fully regulated hazardous waste if it is mishandled. The course handout, Used Oil Management, is included as a downloadable document.


You can complete the training anytime when it's convenient for you. Interactive activities help you learn and retain the information that you need to know.

All of our online training modules require a web browser that supports the use of audio and video playback.  When taking the training, web browser settings such as ad-blockers and pop-up blockers should be disabled.

This is the best!

Anthony Epting, Exxon Mobil


Mike Robinson, Cooper Standard Automotive

The best!

Joyce Gladson, Proctor and Gamble Co.