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Stormwater Regulations - Webcast

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At this interactive web-based training, you will gain an understanding of the industrial and construction stormwater regulations that apply to your site, and identify which permits are available for your operations. Our experienced staff will help you learn to develop and implement an effective SWPPP, identify effective BMPs, document inspection processes, meet permit requirements, keep documentation, and much more. 

Available in:

5 Hour Webcast / course duration
$399.00 / course price

Stormwater discharges from most industrial facilities and construction projects must be permitted. At this interactive web-based training, you will gain an understanding of the industrial and construction stormwater regulations that apply to your site, and identify which permits are available for your operations.


Industrial and construction permits require you to implement a site-specific Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), use effective control measures to minimize pollutant discharges, and provide training for employees who implement activities necessary to meet your permit conditions as well as employees who work in areas where industrial materials or construction activities are exposed to stormwater.


EPA’s Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) is now in effect for industrial facilities. Are you meeting your permit requirements—including quarterly inspections and electronic annual reporting?


At this live online training, you will learn how to:

  • Obtain a stormwater discharge permit
  • Develop and implement an effective SWPPP
  • Identify and implement effective control measures (including best management practices)
  • Develop and document inspection procedures
  • Implement an effective monitoring and sampling plan
  • Meet your permit’s training requirements
  • Comply with reporting and recordkeeping requirements
  • Certify no-exposure
  • Comply with permit renewal requirements
  • Terminate permit coverage


The course handbook, Handbook for the Management of Stormwater Discharges, is included as a downloadable document.


To participate in this live training, you will need an active internet connection. You may test your connection here

*Electronic copies of add-ons are provided. Feel free to purchase physical copies of the add-ons here.

Great job! (The Instructor) keeps it interesting.

Jamie Garl, Monterey Bay Aquarium

Environmental Resource Center is the only organization we use for environmental training.

William Nut, TDK Components USA Inc.

The instructor was great - knowledgeable, humorous helpful. 

Emily Hill, MSC Industrial Supply