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Corporate Subscription

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Pre-purchase seats at a discounted rate that can be used by your employees at any time to attend any of Environmental Resource Center's seminars or webcasts! If you have multiple employees that need training in different topics, save by pre-purchasing their spot, then register when it works for you. Call 800-537-2372 with questions or assistance for reserving your seats.

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Enjoy discounted pricing and flexible scheduling  with Environmental Resource Center’s  corporate subscriptions.  Purchase a block of seats to be used when you want for the classes you need.  Choose the dates and courses that best suit you and your team.


Seats are available in lots of 10 at the following rates:

10 seats—$4,000;

20 seats—$7,500;

30 seats—$10,750;

40 seats—$13,500;

50 seats—$16,500;

Please call for pricing for more than 50 seats.