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Environmental Resource Center offers training subscriptions* at rates that allow you and your staff to get all the training you need while staying within your budget.

Annual Subscription (individual) - For $2,900 you can attend all Environmental Resource Center seminars and webcasts for one full year. Subscription year begins with your first class. To get started today, create an account or log in to your existing account to purchase.

Annual Webcast Subscription (individual) – For $1,900 you can attend all Environmental Resource Center webcasts for one full year. Subscription year begins with your first webcast. To get started today, create an account or log in to your existing account to purchase.

Corporate Subscription (organization) – Pre-purchase seats at a discounted rate and your employees can use these seats for any of Environmental Resource Center seminars or webcasts. Seats are available at the following rates:

  • 10 seats - $4,000
  • 20 seats - $7,500
  • 30 seats - $10,750
  • 40 seats - $13,500
  • 50 seats - $16,500
  • 50+ seats – please contact us for special pricing.


To register for a corporate subscription, call 800-537-2372. 

*Annual Subscriptions do not apply to any Workplace Learning System (WLS) webcast or seminar classes.