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On-Site and Customized Training

Environmental Resource Center has trained thousands of employees from some of the country's largest companies, universities and federal and state government agencies on all aspects of EPA, OSHA, IATA, IMO, RCRA and DOT regulations. All of our environmental, transportation and safety classes and webcasts can be delivered at your facility and tailored to your needs.

Our skilled safety and environmental consultants will:

  • Help you determine what type of training your employees are required to have
  • Develop a customized training program for your team
  • Deliver your specialty program at the time and location of your choice


On-site class participants receive the same benefits as our seminar and webcast attendees, including:

  • Comprehensive handbooks detailing how to comply with the latest OSHA, IATA, IMO, DOT and EPA regulatory requirements
  • Certificates of completion
  • Free handbook update service for one year to provide information on recently revised environmental and safety regulations for hazardous materials, hazardous waste, IATA, IMO, DOT and OSHA 
  • Free environmental AnswerlineTM service for one year


On-site training is an efficient and economical way to train larger groups of your employees and offers the added benefits of reduced time away from the job and no travel costs. To schedule your customized on-site training or to learn more about what we have to offer, please contact Customer Service at 800-537-2372 or email