“Today’s proposal is an important step towards President Trump’s goal of reforming the elements of NSR that regularly discouraged facilities from upgrading and deploying the latest energy efficient technologies,” said EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. “By simplifying the permitting process and implementing a common-sense interpretation of our NSR rules, we will remove a major obstacle to the construction of cleaner and more efficient facilities.”
On March 13, 2018, then Administrator Scott Pruitt issued a guidance memorandum explaining that EPA’s current NSR rules were reasonably interpreted to provide that, at the outset of the process to determine NSR applicability, emissions decreases projected to result from a proposed project could be taken into account along with any projected emissions increases. This rule codifies and implements that 2018 guidance memorandum by making minor revisions to the text of the NSR permitting rules, to provide clarity and certainty to the regulated community.
NSR provisions require preconstruction permits when a facility plans to make “major modifications” or otherwise expand operations that may increase its air emissions. Determining whether a proposed project triggers the threshold to obtain an NSR permit is a two-step process. At Step 1, a determination must be made whether the proposed project will, by itself, result in a significant emissions increase. If a significant emissions increase is projected to occur, the process moves on to Step 2, where a determination must be made whether there will be an overall increase in emissions, when all of the other emissions increases and emissions decreases that may have occurred at the facility over the preceding several years, and which are unrelated to the proposed project, are accounted for. This Step 2 “contemporaneous netting” calculation can be complicated and time-consuming to undertake.
This proposal clarifies that both projected emissions increases and projected decreases that are attributable to a proposed project can be considered during Step 1 of the two-step NSR applicability test. This process, once called “project netting,” is now more accurately known as project emissions accounting.
EPA expects that allowing emissions accounting at Step 1 will reduce regulatory burden -- saving time and money without sacrificing environmental protection. If the results of this Step 1 evaluation show that the proposed project will not result in a significant emissions increase (e.g., because any emissions increases attributable to the project are offset by emissions decreases occurring elsewhere at the source due to the project), this would end the applicability evaluation. In general, the project could then proceed under a state-issued minor source permit. This saves resources that would otherwise be required for a complex multi-unit evaluation prior to a major NSR permit applicability determination.
EPA will accept public comment on this proposal for 60 days after it is published in the Federal Register.
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Washington State to Slash HFCs – Climate Change Super Pollutants

This week, the Washington Department of Ecology adopted reporting rules to begin that process, and also began a rulemaking process to guide the rest of the transition away from HFCs through 2024.
When the HFC law is fully implemented, it aims to cut Washington’s greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of 1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide a year. That’s equal to the annual emissions from 217,000 cars.
“Tackling climate change requires us to tackle every source of greenhouse gas emissions in our state,” Inslee said. “HFCs are among the most potent pollutants on the planet. Switching to safer, cleaner alternatives in equipment and products is a crucial step forward for our state.”
The law sets an aggressive timeline to end new uses of HFCs. The first step is for manufacturers, importers and distributors to report whether they use the chemicals in their products by the end of this year. Then, between 2020 and 2024, many major uses of HFCs will be phased out.
The Washington law implements rules adopted by the EPA that were partially overturned in a 2017 court decision.
Because the law focuses on companies that manufacture or import HFC-containing products, users of these products – including consumers, retailers, and business owners – in most cases won’t have to do anything: When their existing equipment wears out, they can simply buy new, HFC-free replacement equipment. Equipment using environmentally safer HFC alternatives is already available and should not typically cost more than versions containing hydrofluorocarbons.
Updated Public Chemical Review Tool

“By making this tracker available online, for the first time the public will easily be able to learn where a particular new chemical is in the EPA review process,” said EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. “With this step the agency is following through on its commitment to transparency and is providing applicants, stakeholders and the public with an easy-to-use tool to monitor the progress of new chemical safety reviews.”
Visitors to the site will also be able to download a spreadsheet with a list of all active cases and each case’s status. Previously, the agency only presented the number of cases in each step of the review process without identifying case numbers. This enhancement supplements the existing status tables describing the received date, the interim status, and final determinations for each case reviewed by EPA since the amendments to Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) were passed in 2016. The update also supports the agency’s ongoing efforts to more efficiently review new chemicals submissions by proactively providing status updates to submitters.
This action is another important step toward meeting EPA’s transparency goals and complements other recent actions, including publishing all new chemical notices and their attachments (May 2019) and publishing information about TSCA Confidential Business Information claim reviews (July 2019). Later this year, website visitors will be able to connect to certain PMN and SNUN cases of interest on ChemView through quick links in our status tracker. The agency plans to continue to increase access to this information next year by increasing the frequency of updates to the tracker.
Glass Recycler to Pay $1.2 Million for Illegal Battery Disposal

A DTSC investigation found that Strategic Materials Inc. had mismanaged batteries mixed in with the glass sorted from curbside recycling, sending the batteries to a municipal landfill instead of managing them as hazardous waste.
“Without exception, all recyclers must follow the law so that we can protect the public and our environment,” said Meredith Williams, Acting Director of DTSC. “This settlement helps ensure hazardous materials are managed properly in California.”
Under the terms of the settlement reached in Sacramento County Superior Court, Strategic Materials will pay $900,000 to DTSC in civil penalties; spend $253,000 to implement more protective measures, including on-site improvements; and provide $47,000 toward a Supplemental Environmental Project to develop hazardous waste training programs related to the proper management of universal waste.
In May 2015, DTSC inspectors went to the recycler’s Sacramento facility to investigate whether it was processing unrecyclable cathode ray tube and other leaded glass as recyclable glass. While they found no evidence of lead-laden glass, they discovered violations related to the disposal of the discarded batteries from the site at 5850 88th St. in Sacramento over the previous five years.
All batteries are considered hazardous waste in California when they are discarded. They must be taken to a universal waste facility or an authorized recycling facility.
Strategic Materials converts recyclable glass into glass that is ready to be molded into other uses. It disputes DTSC’s findings but agreed to the settlement. See the Strategic Materials Inc. settlement.
Jury Verdict: Developer Violated Asbestos Disposal Laws
A jury found a Lawrence developer guilty on charges of disposing of asbestos in violation of the Clean Air Act.Thomas S. Fritzel, 53, Lawrence, Kan., was convicted on the following counts:
- Failing to notify authorities before removing asbestos
- Failing to keep asbestos wet during demolition to prevent air contamination
- Failing to dispose of asbestos in leak-tight containers
During trial, the government presented evidence that Fritzel violated federal laws for handling asbestos during demolition and renovations at the Alvamar Country Club in Lawrence. The government presented evidence to show that Fritzel knew that the roof of the country club contained 75% chrysotile asbestos. The previous owners, who sold the club to Fritzel in January 2016, had decided not to replace the roof because of the cost of abating the asbestos.
On October 19, 2016, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment told Fritzel to get a licensed asbestos contractor to remove asbestos from the site and dispose of it properly. On Oct. 25, 2016, KDHE inspected the site and determined asbestos debris had been removed and hauled to Hamm Landfill in Perry, Kan., which is not approved for asbestos disposal.
Sentencing will be set for a later date. He faces a penalty of up to two years in federal prison and a fine up to $250,000 on count two and up to five years and a fine up to $250,000 on counts three and four. First Assistant U.S. Attorney Duston Slinkard commended the EPA – Criminal Investigation Division and Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Hathaway for their work on the case.
22 State Attorneys General Urge Congress to Act On Toxic Forever Chemicals

“When it comes to the health and safety of New Yorkers, inaction isn’t an option,” said Attorney General Letitia James. “These toxic ‘forever’ chemicals endanger the wellbeing of people across our state, and we need federal legislation to address the threat. We strongly urge Congress to take action and give our states the tools we urgently need to address the harms these dangerous chemicals cause to our communities.”
The two most studied types of PFAS contaminants are perfluorooctane sulfonic acid/perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid/perflurooctanoate (PFOA). PFAS chemicals resist degradation in the environment and accumulate in the body. Those contaminants are also linked to serious adverse health effects in humans and animals. Human health effects associated with exposure to PFOA include kidney and testicular cancer, thyroid disease, liver damage, and preeclampsia; exposure to PFOS is associated with immune system effects, changes in liver enzymes and thyroid hormones, and other conditions.
Across the country, PFAS contamination is most often associated with military bases, firefighting training centers, civilian airports, and industrial facilities. PFAS chemicals tend to be persistent in the environment and have been used for decades as ingredients in firefighting foam. Some states with significant PFAS contamination are currently spending tens of millions of dollars to address the contamination in public drinking water systems, and to investigate numerous areas and sources of potential contamination. To date, New York has spent more than $51 million on PFAS cleanup-related costs and these costs will likely to continue to grow.
While both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have advanced legislation that addresses issues related to PFAS contamination, the Attorneys General urge Congress to deal with “the most urgent legislative needs” of states as they work on a final agreement on this legislation. These urgent needs, based on states’ firsthand experiences, include:
- Designating certain PFAS chemicals as “hazardous substances” under the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), otherwise known as “Superfund.” Such designation is a key to cleaning up some of the most dangerous PFAS-contaminated sites in the country, including U.S. Department of Defense sites and so-called “orphan” sites, where the responsible parties have not been identified or located, or have simply failed to act.
- Adding the entire class of PFAS chemicals to the EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), which requires certain industrial facilities to report annually the amount of specific toxic chemicals released into the environment. This would provide critical information about new potential sources of these chemicals, as well as the areas of potential contamination.
- Providing funding for remediation of PFAS-contaminated drinking water supplies – particularly those in disadvantaged communities, where many face severe water affordability issues. Municipalities struggling to afford the high costs associated with cleaning up PFAS contamination in turn may raise water rates on local residents.
- Prohibiting the use and storage of firefighting foam containing PFAS at military bases and other federal facilities as soon as possible and in the meantime, providing immediate protective measures, especially when firefighting foam is used.
- Providing medical screening of PFAS exposure for appropriate personnel and members of the public, including but not limited to firefighters.
The Office of the New York State Attorney General has been actively seeking to hold accountable those responsible for PFAS contamination in New York. In June 2018, the Office of the Attorney General and Governor Andrew Cuomo filed the first-ever lawsuit brought by a state against the makers of PFAS-containing firefighting foam products for the contamination caused by the use of their products and the creation of a public nuisance. This lawsuit seeks to recover at least $51 million in costs incurred by the state in the cleanup of the dangerous chemicals released into the environment at several military bases and civilian airports in New York.
This lawsuit was subsequently amended to seek the recovery of cleanup costs from the suppliers of chemicals that 3M and the other manufacturers incorporated into their foam products. The amended suit also asks for cleanup costs from the United States (on behalf of the Department of Defense) considering its responsibility in the discharging of the toxic firefighting foam into the environment in or around military bases. In February 2019 and July 2019, the State filed additional lawsuits against the foam manufacturers and the chemical suppliers regarding contamination at additional facilities in New York.
Joining Attorney General James in the letter are the Attorneys General of California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Guam, Hawai’i, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.
This case is being handled by Assistant Attorneys General Mathew J. Sinkman, Mihir Desai, Philip Bein and Norman Spiegel of the Environmental Protection Bureau, under the supervision of Bureau Chief Lemuel M. Srolovic. The Environmental Protection Bureau is part of the Division of Social Justice, led by Chief Deputy Attorney General Meghan Faux.
Talen Energy Fined $1 Million for Coal Ash Contamination

“We are confident that the work to be performed as spelled out in this Consent Decree will be for the betterment of all involved — the environment and area residents,” said DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell.
Talen Energy owns and operates the 1,490-Megawatt Brunner Island Steam Electric Station, a coal- and natural gas-fired electric generating facility located in East Manchester Township, York County. EIP represents the Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper, the Waterkeeper Alliance, and PennEnvironment.
Brunner Island’s operation generated residual wastes, including fly ash and bottom ash, byproducts resulting from the combustion of coal. Talen disposed of the residual waste in seven unlined waste impoundments and one lined landfill disposal area. Contaminants from those impoundments have been leaking into groundwater around the facility.
Under terms of this Consent Decree, Talen will inspect, monitor, and remediate any potential seeps from the impoundments and disposal area with the intention to improve groundwater conditions around the facility.
The Consent Decree also settled EIP’s appeal of Talen’s NPDES permit for discharges into the Susquehanna River. In addition, Talen agreed to pay $100,000 toward one or more qualifying Supplemental Environmental Projects implemented by the Watershed Alliance of York, to reduce or mitigate the effects of water pollution in the Lower Susquehanna River Watershed.
Notice of this Consent Decree will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, opening a public comment period. Comments should be addressed to the Office of Chief Counsel, Department of Environmental Protection, Southcentral Regional Office, 909 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110, and should refer to the Brunner Island Consent Decree. Comments must be submitted no later than 30 days after the publication date of the notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
Approximately $1 Million Available to Reduce Nonpoint Source Water Pollution in Montana

Nonpoint source water pollution stems from widespread sources and is often associated with specific land uses such as agriculture and forestry, urban and suburban development and runoff from abandoned mine sites. Common pollutants include sediment, nutrients, pathogens and toxic metals.
The recommended range for contracts is $10,000 to $300,000 per project, with a 40 percent cost share required. Applicants must either be a nonprofit organization or a government entity. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m., Friday, November 1, 2019.
Approximately $500,000 of the available funding will be focused on projects in the Bitterroot watershed. This targeted approach maximizes the cumulative impacts of water quality restoration projects to achieve measurable results. Focused funding will be rotated to a different watershed every two or three years.
The remaining $500,000, as well as any unspent amount from the Bitterroot, will be available for eligible projects throughout the rest of Montana.
“DEQ works closely with local watershed groups, conservation districts, other groups, and land owners on projects that address grazing management, stream flow, riparian vegetation, and other water quality issues,” said DEQ Water Quality Division Administrator Tim Davis. “These projects protect and restore Montana’s waters. They also have demonstrated an ability to improve land management for producers, increase wildlife populations, and increase the community’s understanding of and engagement with water quality issues.”
The application form and instructions are available at http://deq.mt.gov/Water/SurfaceWater/NonpointSources. All projects must address nonpoint source pollution and implement DEQ-accepted Watershed Restoration Plans. DEQ staff will be available, upon request, to provide feedback on project applications.
For more information on the funding, contact Kristy Fortman at 406-444-7425 , email Kristy.Fortman@mt.gov or visit http://deq.mt.gov/Water/SurfaceWater/NonpointSources.
Tennessee Sustainable Spirits Program

The voluntary recognition and technical assistance program, implemented by the TDEC Office of Policy and Sustainable Practices, announced four pilot members participating. They are:
- Jackalope Brewing in Nashville
- Life Is Brewing – Mantra Artisan Ales in Franklin
- Keg Springs Winery in Hampshire
- Short Mountain Distillery in Cannon County
“We want this program to foster responsible environmental practices, and we want to publicly recognize these producers as part of that effort,” Kendra Abkowitz, director of TDEC’s Office of Policy and Sustainable Practices, said.
The program will assist wineries and wine growers, breweries, and distilleries by promoting sustainable best practices and providing technical assistance toward environmental goals. Producers must meet certain sustainability requirements, provide utility and production data, and submit applications to be considered for admission into the program. Applicants who don’t initially qualify will receive recommendations to increase sustainability and improve potential for future eligibility. Membership benefits include state recognition, technical assistance, workshops, and networking opportunities.
“We are very proud to be a part of the TNSS program,” said Mark Jones, owner of Life Is Brewing. “We are grateful to have industry information available for comparisons as well as new ideas in sustainability and cost savings.”
The production of wine, beer, and distilled liquor requires energy and water while also producing unique waste streams and byproducts. Spirits producers often require significant amounts of energy to produce a final product. Water is the single most important natural resource across each industry, from growing grapes to using water as an ingredient. Access to clean water and responsible management of waste water is vital to a sustainable spirits industry in Tennessee.
Mantra Artisan Ales, which is part of Life is Brewing, and Jackalope Brewing each has a 15-barrel brew house and an onsite tasting room. Keg Springs Winery produces dry red to sweet fruit wines on-site with a barrel aging room, a tasting room and venue space. The winery utilizes a 118-panel 30.8 kW solar photo voltaic system to offset purchased electricity. Short Mountain Distillery is on a 400-acre working farm and crafts small-batch moonshine, organic Tennessee whiskey, bourbon, and other spirits. Its 250-gallon copper still is powered by a 30 HP natural gas boiler and cooling is powered by a natural gas absorption chiller.
The Tennessee Sustainable Spirits program is open to all wineries and wine growers, breweries, and distilleries in Tennessee.
Country Club Fined $15,425 for Air Pollution Control, Hazardous Waste and Underground Storage Tank Violations

As a result of multiple MassDEP inspections, it was determined that the country club failed to install the required vapor recovery system on an underground gasoline storage tank in violation of air quality regulations and failed to comply with hazardous waste management requirements. Additionally, ESHCC failed to maintain its underground storage tank system components, failed to perform Third Party inspections, and failed to maintain records and logs in violation of underground storage tank regulations. MassDEP previously required ESHCC to correct these violations and issued a penalty; ESHCC failed to comply with these requirements and failed to pay the penalty.
As a result, MassDEP has issued a Penalty Assessment Notice in the amount of $15,425 for the violations and the failure to act and a Unilateral Administrative Order requiring the country club to correct the violations.
In addition to the above enforcement actions, MassDEP has issued a Delivery Prohibition Order prohibiting delivery of regulated substances (gasoline) to the underground storage tank until ESHCC demonstrates compliance with the regulations.
“Facility operators must understand and recognize the importance of operating in compliance with the Massachusetts environmental laws and regulations to protect public health and safety and to avoid assessment of penalties,” said Michael Gorski, director of MassDEP’s Western Regional Office in Springfield. “This is especially true when they have been subjected to previous enforcement actions and have failed to comply with or respond to those enforcement actions.”
New Illinois Coal Ash Pollution Prevention Act

"Coal ash is a public health issue and a pollution issue, and the state of Illinois is taking action to keep communities safe," said Governor JB Pritzker. "This new law will protect our precious groundwater and rivers from toxic chemicals that can harm our residents. With the Trump administration loosening standards on coal ash, Illinois is raising the bar to protect our environment and the health of people across our state."
Senate Bill 9 prohibits coal ash discharge into the environment, requires IEPA approval for permitting and closures of coal combustion residual (CCR) surface impoundments such as landfills and piles, guarantees financial assurances from CCR owners or operators for future closure or maintenance costs, and directs the IEPA to propose new rules to the Pollution Control Board around the regulation of coal ash in the state, which it will then implement within 12 months.
The new coal ash regulations will be developed by IEPA within eight months and must satisfy the following requirements:
- Must be at least as protective and comprehensive as the federal regulations or amendment promulgated by the U.S. EPA
- Specify the minimum contents of permit applications.
- Specify which types of permits include requirements for closure, post-closure, remediation, and other requirements.
- Specify when permit applications must be submitted.
- Specify standards for review and approval by IEPA for permit applications.
- Specify meaningful public participation procedures and other methods and procedures.
- Prescribe the type and amount of the performance bonds or other securities required.
- Specify a procedure to identify areas of environmental justice concern.
- Specify a method to prioritize CCR surface impoundments required to close if not specified by the U.S. EPA.
- Define when complete removal is achieved.
- Describe the process for identifying an alternative source of contamination when the owner/operator believes it is not from the impoundment.
The new law, which takes effect immediately, also directs new funds into the Environmental Protection Permit and Inspection Fund to help IEPA run the program. Power plant owners will pay an initial fee of $50,000 for closed impoundments and $75,000 for those that haven't completed closure. Annual fees will begin on July 1, 2020: $25,000 for those that haven't completed closure and $15,000 for each impoundment that's closed but hasn't completed post-closure care.
"With SB 9 becoming law, Illinois clearly demonstrates that we are not content to simply respond to environmental catastrophes after they occur, but instead that we will stand up and protect our homes and families from those risks," said Sen. Scott Bennett (D- Champaign). "This is comprehensive, proactive legislation that provides the protections, regulations and financial assurances that we need to prevent more coal ash crises in our communities."
"This legislation represents a significant step toward cleaner water and air for communities living near coal ash throughout the state of Illinois," said Rep. Carol Ammons (D-Champaign). "I want to thank Gov. Pritzker for protecting taxpayers and our public health because those who create the mess, should clean it up."
"By signing this bill into law, Gov. Pritzker has taken a historic step in protecting communities and the environment from dangerous coal ash pollution across Illinois," said Colleen Smith, legislative director for the Illinois Environmental Council. "Now, polluters will be held responsible for the cleanup of their toxic waste — not residents of Illinois."
"This big step toward protecting our water supply and a clean energy future is the result of hard work by community leaders across the state and their legislative champions," said Jack Darin, Director of the Illinois Chapter of the Sierra Club. "We applaud Governor Pritzker for his support and signing of this legislation, and for his bold vision of a 100% clean energy future for all Illinois communities. Cleaning up these toxic coal ash sites is an essential step toward a just transition for these communities, and a future in which their water is protected and new jobs are created in the technologies of the future."
"This coal ash legislation is an important environmental protection success to protect safe, clean and drinkable water in Illinois," said Howard Learner, Executive Director of the Environmental Law & Policy Center. "ELPC is pleased that Gov. Pritzker signed SB 9 because it will protect our water quality, air quality and public health."
"We are so pleased that Governor Pritzker has signed Senate Bill 9 into law," said Pam Richart, Co-Director of Eco-Justice Collaborative. "Community calls to clean up pollution from coal ash dumped on dozens of power plant sites across the state have been ignored for far too long. This bill ensures that those living near coal ash will have a say in how these dumps are cleaned up, so that public health and local economies are protected."
"Thank you to Governor Pritzker for signing the Coal Ash Pollution Prevention Act," said Andrew Rehn, a water resources engineer with Prairie Rivers Network. "We would not be here today with the incredible leadership from Senator Bennett and Representative Ammons and heroic efforts from community groups across the state. We are now taking the first steps in cleaning up the toxic coal ash stored in unlined pits across Illinois."
"The communities of faith represented by Faith In Place Action Fund applaud the Governor signing SB 9 into law," said Celeste Flores from Faith in Place Action Fund. "Illinois joins other states that are putting its residents' health before industrial polluters' profit. We look forward to working with IEPA to engage communities most affected by coal ash on the rulemaking process."
"With this law, Illinois is joining other states that are working to protect their citizens from toxic pollution from coal ash dumps," said Jennifer Cassel, an Earthjustice coal program attorney based in Chicago. "For too long, utilities have been allowed to dump this pollution into unlined pits with no regard for the consequences. That will no longer be the case in Illinois."
"This is a great win for Coal Ash Communities, especially for Waukegan residents that have been continuously affected by corporate polluters," said Dulce Ortiz from Clean Power Lake County. "The governor is putting the State of Illinois in a good trajectory in signing SB 9 into law, by sending a message that environmental justice communities across the state are being put before profitable industrial polluters like NRG Energy. Waukegan residents commend Governor Pritzker and our state legislators for making SB 9 into law. Our land is our children's future and we look forward to the state of Illinois to continue strengthening protections for our vulnerable environmental justice communities."
Nebraska Air Compliance 101 Webinar August 21

This is the second event of a series of monthly webinars planned through December 2019, and is part of a new outreach effort that is the result of input received from stakeholders through the spring 2019 public outreach and program participation survey.
The Air Compliance 101 seminar will review what to expect during the inspection process and stack testing. The presentation will also provide an introduction toward a new online process for compiling and reporting emission inventories.
To register for the webinar:
- Go to DEE Air Compliance 101 Webinar
- Click "Register”
- On the registration form, enter your information and then click "Submit"
Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email message with instructions on how to join the event. For assistance, contact: ndee.assistance@nebraska.gov
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