Who Needs Training?

Who needs hazardous waste training?
Training is required for personnel who generate or handle hazardous waste at sites that are classified as large quantity generators or hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities.
Are employees required to receive training updates? What is the frequency of required training?
For personnel at sites classified as large quantity generators, EPA requires that training be conducted at least annually and updated if you have significant changes in your hazardous waste or procedures.
Are there training requirements for universal waste?
Yes, personnel who work with universal waste must be thoroughly trained in waste handling and emergency procedures relevant to their job responsibilities.
How quickly must newly hired employees receive hazardous waste training?
Untrained employees can work up to six months without hazardous waste training provided they work under the supervision of a person who has received hazardous waste training.
Is hazardous waste training required for small quantity generators?
Yes. Personnel at sites classified as small quantity generators must be trained so they are thoroughly familiar with waste handling and emergency procedures relevant to their job responsibilities.
Find out more about Hazardous Waste Management Training through Environmental Resource Center's course listing or contact our Customer Service Department
Who needs DOT hazardous materials training?
The Department of Transportation (49 CFR 172.704) makes training mandatory for almost anyone who handles hazardous materials, regardless of the amount. Training is required for employees who perform any of the following job functions:
   • Determine which shipments are subject to hazardous materials regulations
   • Select, fill or seal hazardous materials packages
   • Label packages or placard vehicles
   • Complete or sign shipping papers and manifests
   • Load or unload vehicles containing hazardous materials
   • Operate vehicles used to transport hazardous materials
   • Provide emergency response information for hazardous materials shipments
What is the required frequency of DOT hazardous materials training?
The DOT requires training at least every three years. However, if there is a significant change in the materials that are shipped, the type of packaging used or the regulations that apply to your shipments - employee training must be updated.
After a new employee is hired, how soon must the employee receive hazardous materials training?
Untrained employees can work for up to 90 days without DOT hazardous materials training, provided that they work under the supervision of someone who has had DOT hazardous materials training. However, personnel who prepare shipments for air or water transport must be trained before they perform any job function that requires IATA or IMDG training. IMDG will allow untrained employees to work under the direct supervision of a trained employee.
What is the difference between hazardous materials and dangerous goods?
The term "hazardous materials" is primarily used in the United States for materials that are subject to the DOT hazardous materials regulations. The term "dangerous goods" is used internationally for materials that are subject to the international regulations. Because the US DOT rules incorporate the United Nations Recommendations for the Transport of Dangerous Goods, most dangerous goods are also DOT hazardous materials. But there are significant differences that you must be aware of which are covered in Environmental Resource Center's training.
Find out more about DOT Hazardous Materials Training through Environmental Resource Center's course listing or contact our Customer Service Department. They would be happy to help.
Who needs IATA Dangerous Goods Training? Who needs IMDG Dangerous Goods Training?
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) requires training for every employee involved in dangerous goods shipments by air. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) requires IMDG training for employees involved in dangerous goods shipments by vessel.
Dangerous goods training is required for employees who perform at least one of these job functions:
   • Classify dangerous goods
   • Load, unload or handle shipments of dangerous goods
   • Manufacture, select, pack or seal packages for shipment of dangerous goods
   • Mark or label packages for shipment
   • Fill out or sign dangerous goods declarations
   • Responsible for the safe transport of dangerous goods
What is the frequency for IATA and IMDG Dangerous Goods training?
IATA requires training at least every two years and IMDG requires training at least every three years.
Find out more about Dangerous Goods Training through Environmental Resource Center's course listing or contact our Customer Service Department. They would be happy to help.
Who needs OSHA Hazard Communication Training?
Hazard communication training is required for employees who work with or are exposed to hazardous chemicals (any chemical required to have a Safety Data Sheet).  Employees must be trained before working with hazardous chemicals, and their training must be updated whenever they are required to work with new hazards that were not part of the scope of their prior training.
Who needs Hazwoper Training?
Any employees who respond to releases or potential releases of hazardous substances for the purpose of stopping, containing and cleaning up the release must be trained to HAZWOPER technician level. They must receive at least 24 hours of training that covers key topics that will ensure they respond to hazardous substance releases safely and properly.
Personnel who perform cleanup operations at waste sites - including Superfund sites, RCRA corrective action sites, or even voluntary cleanup sites - must complete 40 hours of initial classroom instruction that covers key topics required by the HAZWOPER standard.
Eight hours of annual refresher training is required for waste site cleanup workers and workers at hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities. Emergency responders at other sites must have annual training of sufficient duration and content to maintain their competencies.
Who needs Bloodborne Pathogens Training?
Bloodborne pathogens include blood and other bodily fluids. Any employee with occupational exposure to blood or bodily fluids must be trained in the safe handling of these potentially infectious substances. Training must be updated annually or more frequently if there are significant changes to the substances present in the work environment. Additional training is required for employees who work in HIV or HBV laboratories and production facilities.
Who needs Lab Safety Training?
Lab safety training is required for any employee who works with or is exposed to hazardous chemicals. Training must be provided before any assigment to a work area where hazardous materials are present.
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