Texas Hazardous Waste Management: The Complete Course - Webcast

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Available in:

2 days / course duration
$795.00 / course price

To protect your health and safety, depending on the national or local COVID pandemic situation, some off-site training locations have been converted to a scheduled live online class. You will get all the same great information that you would in a face-to-face meeting. Currently, upcoming classes in Houston are affected.

In Texas, you must comply not only with the state hazardous and industrial waste regulations, but also with the EPA regulations that have not yet been adopted by the TCEQ.

Attend this interactive course to learn the latest requirements for the management of hazardous waste, including how to:

  • Determine which of your wastes are classified as hazardous waste
  • Classify Texas Class 1, 2, and 3 wastes
  • Manage hazardous waste in accordance with EPA and TCEQ regulations
  • Operate accumulation points and satellite accumulation points
  • Comply with TCEQ’s new rule for contaminated shop towels
  • Ensure hazardous waste containers meet EPA and DOT requirements
  • Properly mark and label containers
  • Complete the hazardous waste manifest and avoid manifest errors
  • Submit STEERS reports
  • Properly store and manage used oil and universal waste
  • Prepare for and respond to emergencies
  • Comply with recent changes in the hazardous waste regulations that can affect your facility’s hazardous waste


This training program satisfies the Texas and federal annual training requirements for generators of hazardous waste.

The course manual, Handbook for the Management of Hazardous Waste in Texas, includes step-by-step instructions for hazardous waste management. It also includes a section specifically dedicated to identifying and discussing federal regulations that generators in Texas must comply with, even though they are not yet incorporated into the Texas rules.