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DOT Hazardous Materials Function-Specific: Non-Bulk Loading and Unloading

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Available in:

Self-paced / course duration
$49.00 / course price

The DOT requires that every hazmat employee receive training in three areas: General Awareness, Function-Specific, and Safety and Security. When you complete at least one session from each of these required categories, you will be certified according to the requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation at 49 CFR 172 Subpart H for shipments of hazardous materials by ground. To meet the DOT training requirements for your specific job, you must complete each Function-Specific session that applies to your job—packaging, marking and labeling, shipping papers, bulk loading and unloading, non-bulk loading and unloading, hazardous waste manifesting.


The risk of injury and environmental contamination is greatest when loading and unloading hazardous materials. And, if hazardous materials are not properly loaded, they can be released in a manner that contaminates other cargo or the environment during transportation. This Function Specific training is required for personnel who load or unload hazardous materials.


In this session, you will learn:

  • Who is responsible for ensuring the vehicle is properly loaded and unloaded
  • How you must secure the vehicle before loading or unloading
  • Procedures for securing the load to prevent it from shifting
  • How to protect packages from damage during transport
  • Procedures for safe loading and unloading
  • Precautions to prevent releases


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