WLS: Lockout/Tagout

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Available in:

2 hours / course duration
$299.00 / course price

Take a deep dive into Lockout/Tagout procedures at this comprehensive course where you will learn:

  • The Standard: 29 CFR 1910.147
  • Types of Energy
  • Responsibilities under the Standard
  • Elements of an Energy Control Program
  • Application of LOTO
  • Special Case Scenarios
  • and MORE!


Most people know that industrial equipment can be dangerous when it’s being used, but machinery can also present hazards when it’s not in operation. As long as energy sources such as electricity, natural gas, steam, pressurized water, and compressed air are attached to the machine, a hazard exists. Workers who maintain or repair the equipment, or who will be working in close proximity to it, need to be made aware of these hazards and recognize the steps that need to be taken to stay safe.  This week we will review the 6 steps to conduct a proper lockout and tagout so everyone involved understands how to stay safe.


*Not available for Annual Subscription